This page will provide you with information and guidance on how to activate and navigate the Ohio 4HOnline database for the Carroll County 4-H Program. We will also provide you with tutorials on how to create reports that will help you keep records of your 4-H career.
The OFFICIAL Ohio 4-H Youth Development Program database for enrolled 4-H members and volunteers. This system is a partnership between the 4-H family and the county Extension Office, and working with them to guide you through questions/problems will create a positive experience for all!
We want all 4-H families to become familiar with 4HOnline so enrollment can be an easy process for you!
The Carroll County Extension office relies on 4HOnline to help distribute important information to you. By allowing you access to update your personal information (email, home address and phone) you can ensure that you will always receive important news and updates such as newsletters, deadline information, and leadership opportunities. The 4HOnline system is a user-friendly database that was created with 4-H families in mind. The database integrates the information we need in the Extension office with information that you as a 4-H member, parent, or Advisor are in need of. As we move forward with the system, there will be additional features added. Eventually, you will be able to sign up for programs via the database (such as Quality Assurance and 4-H Camp).
There is a detailed Tutorial available at the following link if you would like to print off instructions for the database.
Link: 4HOnline Tutorial
Following are Steps to Login as well as Frequently Asked Questions, along with Project Questions and Explanations to help make navigation easy.
Abbreviated Version of Login Instructions:
1. Go to:
2. Click: “I forgot my password”
3. Enter your email
4. Send my password
5. Go to your email and retrieve password
6. Go back to webpage
7. Enter your email
8. Enter temporary password
9. Click on Login
10. Create new password
11. Continue
12. Click on Edit Family
13. Review and update all information
14. Continue
15. See if your child (or Advisor) is listed as “Inactive” or “Active”.
Further Explanation of "Active" vs "Inactive" can be found in the
Frequently Asked Questions below.
1. If “Inactive” you will have the ability to fill out all necessary information
2. Click on the Edit button to the right of the youth’s name
3. Scroll to the bottom of the page
4. Click on Enroll 2023-2024
5. You can now work thru each screen adding information as needed including projects
6. Click on Submit Enrollment
1. If “Active” you will be limited on what you are able to change
2. You can work thru each screen adding what demographic information you are able
3. If you see anything that needs corrected – please call the office.
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: What does the status "Inactive" and "Active" mean?
A: Inactive is the status that is in place if the member has not been enrolled for the 2023-2024 4-H year. Active is the status that is assigned once the member/Volunteer has been enrolled for the 2023-2024 4-H year.
Q: I forgot my password, how can I get it?
A: On the login page, click on “I forgot my password” and then click “Send My Password”
Q: I forgot the e-mail address that I used, how can I get it?
A: You will need to call the Carroll County Extension office and ask us to look at your profile for the correct e-mail address.
Q: I requested my password to be sent, but it never came, what should I do?
A: Contact the Extension office and ask for your password to be reset.
Q: I was given/e-mailed a password but when I typed it in, it did not work?
A: Because of the sensitivity of the passwords it is recommended that you “cut and paste” the password into the password field. Then once you are logged into the system, you can reset it to something that you will remember as long as it has a minimum of 8 characters and includes letters, plus numbers and/or symbols.
Q: I am getting a response of "invalid email" when I try to log in.
A: If you are trying to access the database from your phone, reenter your email letter by letter. Do NOT allow it to autofill. This should solve your problem.
Q: I completed my profile over a week ago and it is still pending, what do I do?
A: Contact the Extension office and ask them to approve your enrollment, or ask if there are any problems with it.
Q: I clicked the Submit Enrollment button and remembered something that needs changed. How do I do that?
A: You are not able to make changes once you hit the Submit Enrollment button. You must contact the Extension office and ask them to make the change for you.
Project Questions:
Q: How do I enter a CARCASS Project?
A: When you select the drop down, scroll almost to the bottom and look for projects beginning with the letters COP-Animal: You will find Carcass - Beef, Goat, Hog and Lamb projects listed.
Q: My child is a Cloverbud. Do they have a Project?
A: Yes – Please choose 710GPM Cloverbud Activities 1 as their Project.
Q: How do I enter a Self-Determined Project?
A: If the Self-Determined Project has an Idea Starter associated with it, look for the actual name of the idea starter (Ex: 365.06 American Sign Language) and choose that as your project.
If the Self-Determined Project does NOT have an Idea Starter associated with it and you are creating your own project, choose 365 Self Determined as your project.
§ Remember: You MUST have the Self-Determined Guide for ALL Self Determined projects, not just the Idea Starter.
Click on the link below to retrieve a report that will show you:
- What projects you have taken (past and current)
- How many years you have been an honor member
- What "events" you have attended (such as camp and 4-H Conference)
- What clubs you have been involved in (past and current)
Link: Member Enrollment History Report
For questions or problems please contact:
Amy Mitchell- Office Associate - OSU Extension, Carroll County
Phone: 330-627-4310 or email: