This page is designed to provide resources to Club Advisors and Cloverbud Leaders.

The 4-H Volunteer Handbook has been updated.  It is available for you to print or you may view it on line.  If you are able to view the handbook on line, I would suggest you do so as there are active links that you can click on that will lead you to additional information.

4-H Volunteer Handbook

Resources for Officer Training are available at the following link: 

The 2023-2024 Advisor Project Book Order Form is available at the link below.  

2024 Ohio 4-H Project Books and Resources Advisor Order Form

The following link will take you to website where you can find useful Club Resources such as forms you may need including; general permission forms, transportation waivers and overnight housing. It will also provide you with information regarding general policies and procedures, membership and club guidelines and a link to the occasional quantity cooks training.